Maria The Mexican

I’ve been very fortunate in the last month or so to be doing some work with a new and I think unique act, Maria The Mexican. Got a call from a friend I’d been hoping to collaborate with to do a recording session for a new tune he’d penned. So I packed up and headed for the big city, met Garrett (of Garrett Nordstrom Situation fame) who introduced me to the talented sisters who front the band, Teresa (we call her Tess) and Maria Elena.

We went round and round for the proper approach and tone and I’ve got to say they were extremely patient as they reined me in. I had a great time adding a Lindsey Buckingham-style nylon string fingerpicking part and a Santana meets Steely Dan electric outro. Las Chicas sing beautiful harmonies together in English and Spanish as they play original music and traditional mariachi over a Rock landscape. Pretty cool. And I got to play too!

The band is performing 2 shows for Cinco De Mayo 2012 at Knucklehead’s in KC. Technically, I think it’s called the MerleJam and we’re playing with some other great acts including the Nace Bros. and Making Movies.

To commemorate, Maria the Mexican is making available a free download of their newest release, “Ruler” and they’ve been gracious enough to allow us to share it with our friends at Muchas Gracias! Follow the Link and enjoy…
Download “Ruler” from Maria The Mexican
Maria the Mexican
Influenced by traditional Mariachi music, Maria The Mexican is a hybrid of Mexican folklore and Rock. For ten years, Teresa and Maria Elena Cuevas performed with Marachi Estrella founded by their grandmother Teresa Cuevas in 1970. As one of the first all female mariachi bands in the country, Maria Teresa Alonzo Cuevas is a pioneer in the Hispanic musical community. Her band flourished in the 80s but was struck by tragedy when four of the seven members were killed in the Hyatt Skywalk collapse in 1981. Once Teresa recovered she began teaching her grandchildren Mariachi music.

In 2000, Teresa and Maria began exploring other genres of music while simultaneously co-directing Mariachi Estrella. Today the fusion of Maria The Mexican is mixed with a touch of blues, soul, funk, and rock n’ roll enhanced by the musical knowledge and sounds of Garrett Nordstrom. With a southwestern flare and melancholy motifs, Maria The Mexican rocks it out in Spanish and English with a host of emotion.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Andrew

    LOVE this track. I can’t wait to hear a full album.

  2. Jason Riley

    isn’t it great? need to get some video edited. eager to hear what they’ll do next, myself

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