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Celebrate Learning Together – Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

We’ll be celebrating the 63rd anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. Way back in 1954 for the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case over turning the original Plessy v. Ferguson case allowing state-sponsored segregation of white and black students.

Separate but equal didn’t really work out.

Brown v. Board was a major step forward and a catalyst in the civil rights movement that would follow.

“Voices of Freedom” is a Free Event (and it’s open to everyone!).

Saturday, May 20, 2017
Festival Stage between 7th and 8th St.
Downtown Topeka KS

Live music will include Injunuity, Maria The Mexica (330pm), Isaac Cates and Kelley Hunt!

Hopefully we can keep taking these forward steps in respectfully sharing our schools, communities, country and world. Let’s celebrate learning from each other and learning together.
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