Hispanic Heritage Month with Maria the Mexican

October is Hispanic Heritage Month in the USA! Now… I’m not really Hispanic but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the culture fully. I mean… I live in America and we love all things “south of the border”.

My college minor was… “spanish”. Please don’t ask me to conjugate anything. “Spanglish” is a huge part of my daily vocab.

I love anything in a tortilla. It’s a fact. Generally, it’s some kind of meat and cheese, a little lechuga, maybe some pico or salsa. Call it what you want and I’ll happily eat it. Desayuno, Almuerzo o Cena.

I’ve got this gig with Maria The Mexican. Sisters raised on Mariachi who love to rock, tambien. Even Soca J’s got all those Cuban, latin percussion, Caribbean drums and a few tunes sung in… espanol.

So with the greatest respect, I say, Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!

If you’ve got some… respecto. And if you’re a lilly-white Irish-man named O’Patrick O’ Riley then you’ll just sweat to fresh chips and spices and the “sabor” your people were denied in the old country. Ole’!
