Maria The Mexican Back in the Studio

maria the mexican in the studio

Maria The Mexican was back in the studio recently working on our next project. The band began work on 5 new tunes at ARC Recording Studios in Omaha, NE under the guidance and capable ears of producer/engineer, Ben Brodin.

The core band included bassist, Craig Kew (and Abercrombie), Kent Burnam on drums, D. Garrett and myself laying the initial tracks over a couple of days. They have a pretty nice complex there with a great studio space as well as an apartment where the bands can sleep, cook and hang. A good time was had by all.

The sisters of MtM came in for the last couple of days to put on those amazing harmonies as only they can. I cannot speak to their good time, but I’ll presume there was one.

New music from Maria the Mexican coming soon!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Andrew Riley

    My nipples are so hard right now.

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