Music Accomplished: March Newsletter from JasonRiley.Com


Music Accomplished
The Newsletter from Jason Riley.Com
March 2017

Dear Friends and Family,
2017 is off to a great start. Everyone is doing great and we hope you are too. Trying to show some hustle this and have a lot of plates in the air at the moment.
Our biggest event in February was attending the Folk Alliance International Conference in KC. With over 2000 music showcases and artists from all over the world, it was both inspiring and exhausting. I wrote a pretty lengthy article about my experience there for the blog at my website. If you have the time or interest you can check it out here…

Soca Jukebox is on the move in 2017. A new website, promotional video AND a new album are all in queue. Very excited about their next level of success and can’t wait to share the new stuff with everyone.

We’ve got a ton of new music on the way in 2017. Albums are immediately forthcoming from Christian vocalist and my Atchison county homey, Shawn Minter, Soca Jukebox as well as solo and band material under my own name.

New Clients and Venues
We are adding new clients and venues all the time. Building strong relationships and doing great work for our clients has been the key to our success in music. If you have venue or organization that you know would benefit from our musical products and services, we’d greatly appreciate your referral. Drop us a note here with there name and contact info and we’ll try to make a connection. You are always welcome to give out our information as well or even direct them to the website. New clients for February included…
St. Joseph Harley Davidson

Jowler Creek Winery

Riverwood Winery

Savannah Chamber of Commerce

Atchison Chamber of Commerce

Beer Walk

St. Joseph Public Library

Be sure to check all of our upcoming dates at…


Check out what people are saying about our acts…

“As entertainer at our organization’s major donor appreciation banquet, Jason Riley has been a smashing hit! So much so, we brought him back 3 years in a row!” -Angus Foundation, Milford H. Jenkins, President

“Consistently classy, electrical and an amazing composition of eclectic genre!” – —MOSAIC Life Care

Teaching, Teaching, Teaching
As much as I love playing music for others and with friends, I love to teach. Music is an amazing past-time for people of all ages but particularly young people. The benefits of learning a musical instrument are many and the joy and companionship it has brought to my life has been extraordinary.

Besides our work with the guitarists at Missouri Western State University and Benedictine College, we are growing our teaching business this year. We’ll have some big announcements soon.

In the meantime, if you know any aspiring musicians who need an encouraging and knowledgeable coach or mentor, send them our way. It doesn’t just have to be guitar players either. We know all the best teachers in our area. I’d like to see more people taking up instruments, learning to play and making the world a better place. Just a little dream of mine!

New products
We are constantly working on new music, new articles for our updated websites and new inspirational teaching products for students of all ages. Lots of fun stuff on the way.

Fun Stuff

Soca Jukebox just played a private show for the VIP’s and high-rollers at Harrah’s Casino. The Voodoo lounge at Harrah’s is one of the city’s premier venues for live music with an amazing sound, lighting and production team.
Later, we headed over to entertain for our friends at Parenting Children with Special Needs. It’s an organization that is dear to our hearts. Great to see the moms, dads and kiddos all having a great time together dancing and singing along.

We can’t thank you enough for the constant support and encouragement in our music.

Make some plans and I hope to see you at a show really soon.

Peace to each and…

Thank you!

Jason and co.

[email protected]