Outstanding Graduating Guitarists, Missouri Western State University

Guitar playing ain’t easy. To get to a point of accomplishment requires years of dedicated practice. You’ve got to jump some hurtles and overcome physical and mental challenges.
The Missouri Western Guitar Program is a place where guitarists can get the discipline they need to achieve proficiency and conquer their personal goals.

A couple of our graduating guitar majors at MWSU are receiving some well-deserved accolades. The guitar program is pretty small in terms of the overall music department. It’s a great source of pride to know that TWO of our students have worked so hard to receive this visibility and recognition. It’s been a great joy to work with them over the last few years. They’ve taught me a lot too. We have high expectations for all our students. Congratulations to Brent and Ryan for going above and beyond.

Outstanding Graduating Senior:
Brent Isom
Ryan Lombard

Pi Kappa Lambda Inductees:
Brent Isom
Ryan LombardIMG_1370