The 365 Day Guitar Challenge

Big Pick Master“Only practice the days you sleep and the days you eat!” Sounds simple enough?

When I was younger, my dream was to be a professional musician. There is an old adage that says “you are what you eat” so with that logic if I pick up my instrument everyday (maybe even work or play at it a little), eventually I’ll become a real instrumentalist.

That’s been my simplest philosophy for a long time. I’m sure my students hear it a lot. Easier said than done, though. Keep it in mind the next time you’re thinking about skipping a meal or pulling an all-nighter.

Another part of the exercise is the realization that you can never make up a missed day. That opportunity is gone and you can’t get it back. Might as well just pick that thing up for a few minutes RIGHT NOW and mark off today.

I’ll admit, I’ll have to miss a day now and then. Life is hectic, things happen or if you’re a younger musician, your time may not be your own to schedule. I try not to make a habit of missing it though. I’m a guitarist so I play guitar… everyday. Thanks to gigs and students being around, I am forced to pick it up even when I may not exactly be “in the mood”. That’s a huge benefit of this routine too.

Maybe you’d like to participate with me in the 365 Day Guitar Challenge this year? Drop me a note and I’ll send you the form! [email protected]

Actually it doesn’t have to be about the guitar, just anything you want to imbed into the routine of your daily life. It works great for all kind of things! Languages, exercise, creative skills or whatever. Write everyday… You’re a writer! Juggle everyday… (you might need some other help but…) You’re a juggler!

For me, this is not about the total time spent. Sure you could pick it up and practice diligently for hours but the real exercise is in just picking it up and holding your instrument a little everyday.

Remember, only the days you sleep or the days you eat! Now who does that? Musicians do that.