The numbers are in. At over 120 shows with 9 different musical combinations, 2013 made for some great memories with the usual suspects and some new friends.
We’ll be “sticking a stick in it” with Soca Jukebox at Private Soiree in Global Mystery for NYE.
Check out our year end highlights reel…
Here’s a few of my picks for the “Best of” moments in a truly memorable year.
Maria The Mexican Debuts “Moon Colored Jade”
Most Shows Played
1) Soca Jukebox
2) Maria The Mexican
3) JR Solo
Best Audience Participation
Soca Jukebox @ Cunningham’s Journal on Cruise Night
Best Hootenanny
The Beach Club @ Gulf Shores
Best Jam Moment
Maria the Mexican with Patrice Pike
Favorite Concerts (Tie)
“No Borders” with Los Lobos, Los Lonely Boys, Alejandro Escovedo & Maria The Mexican @ Knuckleheads.
The Black Crowes @ Wakarusa
Most Hands in the Air
Soca Jukebox (any show)
Favorite Venue (Tie)
Cunningham’s Journal-Kearney NE
Knucklehead’s – Kansas City MO
BIG THANKS to my whole family and to my brothers and sisters in music…
UTI, Soca, Pig Farmer, The Nova Project, Ed Daniels, Maria the Mexican, Bryan Alford, Larry at Awestruck, Joel at Element, Matthew Russo, Lisa at Chism PR, Backstory Images, The Regular Joe, Shea at the News Press, Rick Brown, the Music dept. of MWSU and Benedictine College, this year’s fairs and festival boards, all our agencies, Andrew Riley, Wegen Picks, Dean Markley Strings, Godin Guitars, David Burke, Photographers, Videographers, Sound and Lighting Crews, Fat Guy in a Women’s t-shirt and everyone on our select mailing list. You guys are the best and we wouldn’t be here without you.
Thank you for an amazing 2013.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Sounds great. Have a good 2014, and hopefully see you at the wedding!
Thank you, Nick! So excited for you guys. Best to both and congrats on your dotcom updates.