Day of the Dead

mtm fox 4You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to make those morning TV shows. Just ask Al Roker. Spent a couple hours with the whole Maria The Mexican Band and the crew of the Fox 4 Morning Show. Everyone was so great to us and the band got tons of Air.

Headed for Benedictine College because I like to see what they know.
Then back to Knuckleheads KC for the hometown “Dia De Los Muertos” Maria the Mexican “Moon Colored Jaded” CD release party.

Got my face painted Muerte-style. Played the Les Paul with the band for an incredible audience of new and formerly committed friends, fans and family. I guess I’m the only guy who sweats in the whole band so my face paint sort of melted off “Joker”-like.


Really great day. The band has earned it. Hard workers and dedicated artists all at once. Thanks to all who participated and THANK YOU for a great time.