Funky Folk Fo’ Yo’ Holiday

We know during this busy time of festive preparation we can all use a little help in finding that perfect gift idea for those special someones. Here’s the Top 5 bestowal solutions from our experts at

5) Funky Folk – The 4th album from JR is perfect for young and old on your holiday shopping list. One thoughtful gift that’s an affordable family gift or a great choice for new parents and grandparents. FREE Shipping when you order 2 or more!

Number of Albums
1 Album $8.00
2 Album Pack $14.00
3 Album Pack $22.00
4 Album Pack $30.00
5 Album Pack $38.00
6 Album Pack $46.00
7 Album Pack $54.00
8 Albums Pack $60.00
9 Album Pack $66.00
10 Album Pack $70.00

4) Music Lessons – How about a gift certificate for some Music lessons. We suggest the guitar but harmonica, ukelele, piano, or your favorite musiker are also acceptable. Everyone should play a little something and that’s the gift that keeps on giving your whole life through.

3) A Night Out to see some live music. (Events Calendar)

2) A New Motorcyle for him, A Tropical Vacation for her!

1) Presence. Make a little time to BE with your loved ones. This life is short, there is no time like the “present”.

Happy Holidays from all of us at!