JR relaxes with friends this Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day, the unofficial close of summer, signals a time for one last relaxing weekend with friends and family. Heck, the government even encourages you to take an extra day off of work, have a bbq, smell the roses, celebrate just being!

At Jasonriley.com, this is our mission statement, modus operandi, motive and definitive purpose. There is a reason they call a musician’s work, “Play”. Like the words of Todd Rundgren as espoused so elequantly from the Pans of Caribbean steel impressarios, Soca Jukebox… “I don’t want to work. I just wanna bang on the drum all day.” Such is our job description this weekend. You can come play with us all weekend long.

Friday, Sept. 2 –
The Nova Project @ Joestock, 8:15pm.

Saturday, Sept. 3 –
Under The Influence @ Joestock, 2:15pm.
Soca Jukebox @ Cameron Crawfish Crawl, 5pm.
Under the Influence @ Wathena Fall Festival, 8pm.

Sunday Sept. 4 – Pig Farmer @ Joestock, 2pm. Soca Jukebox @ Boulevard Brewing Co. KC, 5pm.

Some people would have difficulty in pulling off so many disparate performances, getting there on-time and in-style, equipment ready and guitars in tune. Not everyone has a personal squad of “special forces” known as the JasonRiley.com Road Crew. What’s that? Oh… you’re welcome JR.

Happy Labor Day Everyone. It’s been a great summer. Let’s blow it out together!
– Your Loving Road Crew