We’re starting to get some very enthusiastic email from fans (but there are a few dissenters).
I’m not the only “Jason Riley” in the U.S. but being the one with the dotcom, I collect the rants for all of us. Here’s a great one (I know the JR it was intended for). I’ve never been on FOX news. Maybe they’ll ask me now. I’ve changed all the expletives to “XXXX” ’cause this JR is family-friendly. Dropped a few bombs but took the time to go with “H. E double hockey sticks”!!!
Some heartfelt stuff here, not as constructive (or grammatically correct) of a critique as I would like. I’m sure it was nothing personal. Freedom of speech, amigos. Watch your back, all Jason Riley’s and God Bless America.
From: Eric
Subject: YOU
Message Body:
I just listen to you on Fox. What planet your from? Dude your pathetic. You in deed give me the impression your grandmother was brought in to the mention. You R an absolute DISGRACE! Money is the root of ALL evil. And you should burn in “(H. E double hockey sticks)”. I look VERY white you DON’T. You will never be able to tell I am black. NEVER! You will NEVER hear the things I’ve heard and hear when I’m in back of close doors with all whites. You are connected with a very racist side which is a tragedy! But I do know professionally that you have an underline problem and you are called a house “XXXX” by the very one’s you sit with. Of course it’s in back of close doors. And of course you’re NOWHERE around. Have you forgotten what your ancestors went through. Yes you have. Talk about the corruption over there in VA! That’s a real scandal! Bottom line, you are a bought and paid for black man! You are shameful. Also, you’re no christian. If you were a Christian, you would not be for taking from the poor to give to the rich. That is NOT Jesus teachings. I just hear you say the left wants to give food stamps. YOU ARE ONE PATHETIC “XXXX”. CAN’T TAKE YOU ANY LONGER!
This mail was sent from the contact form on JasonRiley.com
I had no idea you were black, cuz. Is that on your Mom’s side, or am I black too?