Maria The Mexican on Vinyl

Maria The Mexican’s debut album, Moon Colored Jade is available on Vinyl! That’s right. The Vinyl LP (also known as a “Record Album” or “Record”) was a popular medium for recorded music for many decades.

You spin these black discs on a specially designed “turntable” at a prescribed 33 and 1/3 revolutions per minute, rest the needle carefully in the groove and… presto… you’re in the Groove!

There is a revival in listening and collecting LP’s and Vinyl. It’s a great sound that music enthusiasts are nostalgic for. I see that even Whole Foods stores have record sections now.Screen shot 2013-12-17 at 9.35.12 AM

My very first record was a gift from my Aunt, a compilation of country and pop from the 1970’s. I remember listening to tunes like “A Boy Named Sue” and “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo”. I think “Que Sera” was on there too.

As a musician though, this is the first ever pressing of my rhythms, pitches and chords into wax. Our first recordings came at time of transition between tapes and CD’s. This is super cool and we couldn’t be more excited.

You can order the Vinyl album of Moon Colored Jade at…