Missouri Fables – Anthony Glise & Jason Riley

Performing “The Missouri Fables” with composer, guitarist and friend of the show, Anthony Glise this Friday, May 3 at the University of Missouri – Columbia.

The fables are a truly unique collection of living musical history and storytelling about our greatest state!
From the cover…
“Whatever they taught you in history class was dead wrong. This book contains the true history of the great state of Missouri as told by her residents —
some alive, some dead, some human.
If you’re like most people, you’ve often won- dered about setting traps for bear — Jesse James’ last thoughts — socialist gardening — flying cows and… just who was it that originally invented roses? Of course you’ve wondered about all these things!
Who hasn’t?
Finally, the answers to all these, and many more questions, have been answered by the American- born (and Missouri-born) classical guitarist, composer and author Anthony Glise.
The Missouri Fables offer a whimsical, magical glimpse into the soul of the state which has been home to Scott Joplin, Eugene Field, Thomas Hart Benton, Joseph Pulitzer, Jesse James, Harry Truman, George Washington Carver, the Pony Express and the great American satirist, Mark Twain.”