Reviews, Revisions, Relief, Rock and Some Pigs

Our newest CD, Funky Folk received an excellent and personal review from this week. Big THANK YOU to Shara at MommyPerks for the rare product review and for including us at her amazing blog and site. Lots of great stuff there for parents and kids. We’re glad she liked the disc so much she said she was going to keep it for herself. I’m sure she’ll share with the kids. Thank you, Shara and Mommy Perks. To see the complete review…

We’ve made some last minute revisions to this week’s schedule. In order to provide some relief to our friends a couple of our other groups are stepping in to cover some bases for Soca Jukebox this weekend.

Clay (lead singer and multi-instrumentalist with Soca J) and his wife Amanda needed to make an emergency run to Boston’s Children’s Hospital to deal with complications with their daughter, Lydia (one of the triplets) as she battles her way to full strength. The family has lived between Boston and KC for over a year as Lydia has undergone a long list of surgeries in an effort to get her back home. Their strength and positivity is truly inspiring and a model for the way families pull together in the tough times. Our thoughts and prayers are with them always and especially this week. I know yours would be welcomed as well. Drop them a note at [email protected] or Clay’s Facebook Update

Pig Farmer (Americana Alter-ego and 3/5’s Soca) will fill-in for the band this Friday at the Sounds of Summer concert series presented by St. Joseph’s Downtown Association. Pig Farmer has a new record “Makin’ Bacon” coming out soon and with a little sweet talk you might be able to pick up a pre-release copy. The Show is from 6-9 at the Coleman Hawkins Park Gazebo.

Under the Influence will step in to the gap for Saturday night’s performance at the Legends Summer Concert Series at Legends KC near the Kansas Speedway. This show starts at 5 and is near the fountain on what’s sure to be a heated rock and roll event.

Sincere thanks to all the organizers for their understanding and support as we all roll with what life will throw you once in a while. We consider ourselves very fortunate to work with such a great arts community and with people who know how to put “Family First”. Peace to the Johnston’s and God Bless You! See you at the shows.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mommy Perks

    Hi Jason: I’m glad you liked the review. Thanks for sending me a copy of your wonderful CD. I’ll consider sharing with my kids, yes 😉

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