Rock Band Celebrates 20 Years

rock bandTwenty years ago I was a fresh-faced, slightly be-freckled, rosy cheeked eighteen year old desperately hoping to find and join a great rock and roll band. Today, I’m a thirty-something (you do the math) guitarist celebrating 2 decades playing with my brothers and sister, megadons and donnas in classic and original rock, Under The Influence. Unbelievable!

It just doesn’t happen that often. I can probably count on one hand the number of groups with that degree of love, loyalty and stick-to-it-tiveness. We’ve literally outlasted all but 2 clubs we’ve ever played but we’ve managed to keep great friendships and a legion of die-hard fans. I’m grateful to my bandmates and to the great support we’ve had in good times and down times.

rock band under the influenceWe’re celebrating hometown-style with a Joe-town showdown this Friday (Cuatro de Mayo) at the Appleblossom BBQ at Civic Center Park in historic downtown St. Joseph, MO. Sincere thanks to Tom and the Hibernians for bringing us back for a record fourth year to celebrate in a most Rockin’ way with our hometown peeps. There’s also an airshow and the daredevil pilots will be on hand for a meet and greet as well. Did I mention it’s a BBQ too! Music starts at 8 but drop us note if you need any additional info.

Next week we’ll take the party to our KC supporters for a very special show at the Voodoo Lounge with Caribbean Steel impresarios and friends of the show, Soca Jukebox. May 11 at the Harrah’s Casino.

Hope you can make it to help us celebrate a score (20 years) of being Under The Influence!