Soul Calypso

Caribbean Music 101 – What is Soul Calypso?

Soca is a modern form of calypso with an up-tempo beat. There is a popular misconception that soca is a fusion of American soul music and traditional calypso. Hence the name “so-ca,” soul/calypso. Though this sounds plausible, it is simply not true. Soca music originated as a fusion of calypso with Indian rhythms, thus combining the musical traditions to the two major ethnic groups of Trinidad and Tobago.

Caribbean Music 102 – What is a Soca Jukebox?

Soca Jukebox is an island percussion party showdown with a penchant for false bravado. There is a popular misconception that the band is perfect for your Luau party (that’s geographically the wrong culture and the wrong ocean but whatever). Soca Jukebox originated as a land-locked musical organization fusing Latin and Reggae rhythms with commercially successful repertoire in many genres. Soca Jukebox plays great music (with vigor) that makes you feel GOOD. Watch for their upcoming album of original music this season. They’d also be very happy to play your Luau party.

This Week in JR…
Check out the new flashing add to your right… It’s for our newest album Funky Folk. Thanks to designer Michael Roades and webmaster Andrew Riley for their awesomeness. Click on it, it’s a link and stuff.

Missouri Western State University Guitar program recital is this Thursday on campus at the Potter Fine Arts Bldg. JR and crew will dazzle and amaze with technical pyrotechnics and musical finesse via your favorite compositions in Classical and Jazz.

Emerald Island Rock. Soca Jukebox returns to Little Dublin this Friday.

Soca Jukebox returns to Global Mystery for a private event on Sat. If you’re invited to this exclusive event, you should expect to see these purveyors of Soul Calypso (see above).

JR will hit a few concerts with an En Route Sugita/Glise Duo next month. Dear friend and amazing violinist, Ken Sugita of the French National Orchestra returns to the US for shows with dear friend and amazing composer/guitarist, Anthony Glise to celebrate the Duo’s anniversary of their Lincoln Center debut.

Our guy embarks on his spring solo adventure “Tour de Funk” in less than a month. If you’re in the western US, the Funk-tion is heading your way. Let’s start warming those voices and hands up now. A little early preparation will insure that you’ve got the needed endurance for chanting and clapping while having your mind blown by this wandering nylon string guitar troubadour.