Tour of the Corn II

The Soca Jukebox summer season 2012 rolls on this week to few trials and great tribulation. Last weekend the boys headed on out to Honey Creek Resort on picturesque Rathbun Lake in central IA for a show with the Hardee’s Co. This weekend the band will return to central NE to check the status of that crop and for a couple of special performances.

Friday, Soca will be in Grand Island to energize a fund raiser to benefit the Heartland United Way. You know that group does some great and needed work in the region and they host an annual Moo-Claw Steak and Lobster Fundraiser. This is the 10th anniversary for the mid-July event. Moo-Claw is is attended by about 700 community members and raises nearly $20,000 annually for local programs and services. Get your ticket and advance the common good. Hey, we’re all connected.

Saturday brings us back to the musical Mecca of central NE (and possibly one of our favorite venues in the wide world), Cunningham’s Journal in Kearney. Weather permitting it will be an outdoor show for our dear friends, family and percussion enthusiasts in the area. Great sound, lighting and hospitality inspire off-the-hook jamming, “I Love You, Man” camaraderie and memories for miles. Last chance to catch the band here this summer. Bummer.

Another couple NE shows in a couple of weeks for our Lincoln and Omaha peeps. Peep at the Events Calendar for those. Ahhh Shucks.