Welcome Back to JasonRiley.Com

“… yeah, we tease him a lot ’cause we’ve got him on the spot, Welcome Back” – Welcome Back, Cotter anyone?

Thank you for stopping back in (or maybe just joining us for the first time) at JRdotcom. We’ve got music, videos, a busy performance calendar, many pages of blog, live steaming and links for our guy and his many musical adventures.

Here’s just a few of the highlights for the rest of the summer….

A very special concert announcement about a boy, his guitar, his hometown and the duo that helped bring it to a higher consciousness.

Soca Jukebox is writing and recording for their debut album. Jason is calling it ‘Hottubbin‘ which we think is awesome but will probably be vetoed. Watch for their mid-summer ‘Ready, Rock, Reggae’ tour.

Pig Farmer‘s 5th album Makin’ Bacon will be available in the fall. We recently got a preview of the master and all we can say right now is “Soooooeeeee!”

The Nova Project‘s Holy Sonnets album is do out this fall too.

Watch for more Funky Funk-tions for solo JR as well as dates for Jason Riley’s Funky Folk Band (ahem… All-Star Band)

Are you Facebook-ing? Hope you’ll consider LIKE-ing us or being our friend. See our Going Social Blog for all links.

In between concerts, tours, recording sessions and sundry events JR will be on a permanent vacation with family and friends. Hey, what’s life all about anyway?