Jazz Express Crashes Casino

The Jazz Express gently pulls into Terrible’s Casino for a weekend of well… reckless improvisation.
The group also has a new dotcom (make that a dotorg) of there own http://www.thejazzexpress.org

The band will hit the stage at 8pm and 10pm this friday and saturday. If you like Jazz, this is the only place to be this weekend. Not sure if you like Jazz? We guarantee you’ll like the Jazz X brand of America’s music. Only the coolest stuff, even Miles would smile (that might be a first). The music is free, entrance is free and you-know-who will be flatting all the 5ths. What’s not to like?

Don’t Forget…
Fresh and classic videos at our youtube channel – jasonrileydotcom

Hoodoo @ Voodoo, Trop-Rock-Alypse w/Soca Jukebox and Under the Influence, Friday Feb. 25.
Funky Folk is available where ever you like to shop online. Give the Gift of Funky Folk. Best price is always right here at JRdotcom!

Funky Folk

Number of Albums
1 Album $8.00
2 Album Pack $14.00
3 Album Pack $22.00
4 Album Pack $30.00
5 Album Pack $38.00
6 Album Pack $46.00
7 Album Pack $54.00
8 Albums Pack $60.00
9 Album Pack $66.00
10 Album Pack $70.00