MU Guitar Day

Looking forward to a reprise of my most popular lecture for the advancing guitarist. I’m really honored to be a guest artist and presenter for the MU Guitar Day at the University of Missouri – Columbia this weekend.

“Jazz for Classical Guitarists” is a topic I’ve been running with at conferences and festivals for about a decade and I’m so happy to be able to present it again.

MU Guitar Day is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC thanks to the director (and friend of the show) Anthony Glise and the MU School of Music. So come on down or share this with your favorite student guitarists.

AND… our the world’s greatest violinist, our friend and parter in The Nova Project, Ken Sugita will be stateside for the festival and a handful of shows! Can’t wait to hang and jam with Ken again.

MU Guitar Day, Saturday, April 26, 2014 — 9:00 AM-6:00 PM.

As with last year, the event is free and open to the public and is open to all styles of guitar.

Guest artists and activities this year will include:
– Ken Sugita, violin, French National Orchestra-Lille ([former concert master, Boston Philharmonic, et al.]
solo and ensemble coaching),
– Jason Riley (jazz for classical guitarists),
– Dr. Paola Savvidou, “Yoga for Musicians,”
– Final Concert (for the group concert, we’re doing 3 movements by Praetorious for 4 guitar sections; single-line
work and very accessible. Let me know if you need parts.

GENERAL SCHEDULE — MU Guitar Day, Saturday, April 26, 2014
University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Music – Fine Arts Building

9:00 AM Registration (Fine Arts Building Lobby)
9:30 Full Ensemble Rehearsal
11:00 Dr. Paola Savvidou – “Yoga for Musicians”
12:00 PM LUNCH (complimentary, courtesy of the MU School of Music)
1:30 Jason Riley – “Jazz for Classical Guitarists”
2:30 “Speed Lessons” *
3:30 Master Class / Coaching, Ken Sugita (French National Orchestra-Lille)
5:00 Concert

* “Speed Lessons” are our own invention. Like “speed dating,” these are five-minute lessons with one of our guest directors, upper-level players, and fellow students. These allow students to interact in a casual and fun situation while learning to coach each other before the whistle blows and the players change roles from being “student” to “teacher” for another five-minute lesson, then change partners, and start all over again.


Join the MU Guitar Society on Facebook.
