Jason Riley Gets Social

Did you know we’d like to be your friend? We pride ourselves on being extremely amiable here at the ol’ dotcom. We like to participate fully with like-minded folks on a series of topics. Getting to know JR is now even easier than knocking on the door of your favorite guitarist and running for the bushes. Don’t be shy, Riley’s not a biter. Showboating, glory-hound, feedback-swelling, face-melter, definitely… but that’s all in wholesome fun. Here’s a few new ways to LIKE,FRIEND or SHARE this social bumble bee and his music with your ‘familia y amigos simpaticos’.

All-new Links and pages….
Great site for music for your whole family!!!
Jason’s official music facebook page…
Jason’s new album, official FUNKY FOLK facebook page…
Facebook.com/Funky Folk
Staple in the online music scene…

If you look to your upper right you might see the links to old school YOU TUBE, FACEBOOK,TWITTER and MYSPACE. If you already have or plan to invent a dotcom or funky facebook, let us know! Hey, that’s what funky folk are for.

Thank you for Sharing!