There’s No Place Like Home

Going to Kansas City

Everyone here at the dotcom is so happy to report the return of Miss Lydia Johnston (1/3 of the progeny of Soca Jukebox’s, Clay and Amanda Johnston). Lydia and her mom came home to KC last week after a year and a half long stay at Boston’s Children’s Hospital. This girl has been through it all and she’s not even 2. She has a few more hurdles to cover at Kansas City’s Children’s Mercy (her mom works there!) before she can get a bed all her own at Casa Johnston.
Her amazing story (and the family saga) has all been documented at their blog “Three Little Birds” It’s been nominated for an award by Parents magazine too. We propose you check it out, vote for their blog and send them some love. Do it.
Soca J is back on the wagon with last Saturday’s return in the Johnston’s hometown of Trenton, MO. No doubt, Lydia will start making the shows very soon.

Early Childhood News and Resources – Music Guide

Our guy was also featured in a new music guide for parents and teachers from JR was invited to put in an article on the inspiration and general process in becoming well… JR. When you are born to rock, these things just take care of themselves. Thanks to Shara and the other great authors there for including us.
Read it!

Other News

We’ve got a busy labor day weekend coming up with lots of shows with The Nova Project, Pig Farmer, Under the Influence and Soca Jukebox. More info ahead on that.

Out on the road next week towards the music city, Nashville TN with Las Vegas songwriter (and friend of the show), Ed Daniels. His “7 Days” Tour will include our guy for approximately… 7 days. Coincidence? Yes.

Big THANK YOU to jazz guitar tyrannosaur, Steve Jones for a devastating week of head to head, swing era smack-down. Let’s do it again soon.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Clay Johnston

    There’s something in my eye…sniff. Thanks, brother.

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