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The All-New SocaJukebox.Com

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In many Latin American cultures, when a young lady turns 15, her family celebrates her with a “Quinceañera”. They throw a big party and she gets a fancy dress to mark the transition from childhood to being a young adult.

Much is the same in the Soca Jukebox culture (minus the young lady part). Our musical group of very macho, extremely handsome stage hounds is celebrating our 15th year as a band in 2017. Instead of a new dress we are opting for a new website.

We’ve been working hard on this transformation for nearly a year and it’s finally time to let these Cinder”fellas” out of the washroom and onto the Internet stage.

The new site has lots of great photos, brand new videos, all the great music, up-to-date calendar, news blog, heartfelt testimonials and a styling’ design.

Thanks to the crew at Marks Media and Creative Productions Group for getting us into this “Beach front” piece of internet real estate for a steal.

It’s your new dotcom home for all things Soca Jukebox. Share it with a friend or drop us a note there. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

Jason Riley

I’m a hustling musician and family man. I love to learn, play, share and encourage others in music. We’ve got some cool bands (including Soca Jukebox) and I am the director of the St. Joseph Arts Academy. This is my Blog!